Monday, November 29, 2010

To Our Team & Beyond...

Hello team and anyone else who happens to follow this blog...

I have been admittedly absent in the blogosphere recently due to much too much going on in my personal life.  As with life, in this business, there are seasons.  And unbeknownst to me at the beginning of the Fall, Fall/Winter has turned out to be a season in which my efforts, time, and energies have had to primarily be focused elsewhere.  I am looking forward to 2011 and am hopeful that I will be able to strike a good balance between my personal life and my WH business.  I am hopeful that 2011 will start off as a season in which I am able to dedicate more of my time to you... to my business!

That being said, I have decided to expand the purpose of this blog.  It will be a resource and a tool for my personal team members, but its purpose will extend beyond that.  As you may or may not know, in January, Willow House will be expanding its online portal to include many more features.  Blogs will be one of those features, so I plan to begin to include some style ideas and design tips in this blog that will hopefully inspire my customer base at large.

I want to invite you to join me!  As you decorate your home for the holidays this season, I invite you to take some pictures of how you are using your beloved Willow House products.  Send them to me so I can share them on this blog!  It will be a joint effort of this entire team to continue to inspire each other and our customers!

Thank you for understanding my absence and for rallying with me as we enter this most wonderful time of the year!

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